Why Advertise on ctfisherman.com?
Since May, 2001 ctfisherman.com has become the resource for New England fishermen to share information, reports, photos, and more. If you're looking to reach thousands of potential customers every day, ctfisherman.com is the place!

Web Stats
ctfisherman.com regularly receives over 3.5 million page views per month! Click here to view actual statistics showing the phenomenal growth of the site.

Potential Customers
There are currently over 10,000 registered members of ctfisherman.com. And, the site receives many more visits from unregistered fishermen. The average visitor is a male recreational fisherman living in Connecticut. There are also regular visitors from neighboring states such as NY, MA, VT and RI.

You can place a classified ad for as little as $20! Check out our ad packages below.

The real value of your ad includes your ability to post promotional messages, fishing reports and product info. on the main message board. Once you are a paying advertiser, you are free to post all kinds of information on the board which can help your business grow.


Classified Ad

Add your listing to our Classifieds page: http://www.ctfisherman.com/ads/classifieds.html

Package includes:
Business name
Image (photo, logo or artwork)
Contact info: Phone, fax, email, and website link
Short descriptive paragraph of your business and your goods and/or services

One month: $20
Three months: $50
Six months: $90
One year: $150

Sponsored Forum

Package Includes:
- Your ad featured on the main message board front page

- A listing on the Classified Ad page

Six months: $450
One year: $800

Ad Creation Services
If you don't have an ad, we can create one for you at no charge.

Please email or call us to discuss how we can create the ideal advertising package for your business.

Mitch Passero
Publisher, ctfisherman.com
email: mitch@ctfisherman.com
phone: 203-803-3491

Place Your Ad
Simply print and mail our advertising contract
with your payment.