Sucks you have to room with a couple nobodies. Kidding. Way to stay in the game. Good Luck on Guntersville. One word of advice/critique FWIW. My brother lost a college scholarship because the high school assitant coach sent the wrong tape to the college he was applying at. The coach sent the tape my brother got the wind knocked out of him then fumbled instead of the one where he scored on 2 long runs. I watched most of your weigh ins last season. I forget the guys name who MCs them. Not Jones but the older guy. If hes on when you weigh in this guys a fan of yours. Watching on the computer you can tell he likes you. He wants to let you have the moment and the oppurtunity to sell yourself. My observation is he sees you and the other young guys like you as good spokesmen/role models for FLW. He intros you like he does only a few other guys. Most of them old pros. Remember your at work, dont fumble. Sometimes you come to the scale and the first thing you tell him is how your day went wrong. The guys that come across the stage and spin positive sound and look more professional on screen. Take advantage of some good face time with him for your sponsors.

Edited by mattmann7 (02/01/09 03:23 PM)