Yup.... Have definitely noticed a HUGE decline in the last 2 years.
I only fish the CT. river for them, and mostly Wethersfeild Cove. This is my 3rd year of serious Ice fishing.
07- for me was good.I got my PB AND enough decent fish to make it worth wile! My brother lost a cow!! REMEMBER that one Jetboat185?
However.....The past 2 years, have SUCKED through the ice. 2 small Pike...In countless trips, in 2 years. I'm about to give up on them.
( until I think of the feeling of pulling a cinder block on speed!! )
I am starting to think a virus has hit the river. There was one a few years ago in Champlain.
At first, I thought the bite was dependent on tides, NOPE.. perhaps it's lack of oxygen?? BUT... with the tides coming in and out, wouldn't that keep oxygen at sufficient levels?
Perhaps I just suck at Ice fishing...........
I know I could always go somewhere else.
Bantam is FAR for me, and Mansfield is well..... Mansfield.
The River is very close, and I have always though a State record lurks in them waters. They must GORGE on herring in the Spring.