We start off the morning with a long run up to the river part of the lake. We were boat 18 and he was pretty confident that he could get to his fish before anyone else. As we were driving up there we got passed by Gabe, who flew by us like we were standing still; and then a few more passed us by. By the time we got to his spot there were 5 boats there all sitting on fish. He said Gabe was sitting on the biggest 2 in the cove. He had 2 smaller ones that no one was sitting on and he went to try and catch them, without success. Gabe left without catching anything and we went over to see if he had missed anything, which he hadn't. I threw my carolina rig around but couldn't get any takers. It was funny to see the other Co-anglers feeling grouchy as their pro's sat on bedding fish. After about an hour of no fish, he decided to run a little further up the river to an area where he had found some better ones, but they were a little more spread out. We went down the bank and the ones he had found were gone. He continued on hoping to find some new beds. As he's flying down the shore line I see a 5+ sitting on a bed next to a stump. I quietly cast up and feed my line out as we haul on past it. No weight when I reel up. We keep going and I end up seeing another 5, two 4's, and a 3. Unfortunately I couldn't get any to bite in the short time the bait was sitting in the bed. I never told him I saw the fish, I just let them go by. After about 6 hours of unsuccessful bed fishing, he decides maybe he should run back down the lake and try and catch some keepers off the docks; this is the first good news I've heard all day. We get down to the lower lake and in the last hour and a half that we have to fish, I catch 2 keepers and one that took the ride to weigh-in, but didn't quite make it on the bump board. After giving him one of the swim baits that I was using he caught his only keeper. It was a frustrating day, but I never had a problem with where he was fishing. I did my thing like I always do, and caught them when I had the opportunity. Mike was a nice guy, but he should keep his rules to himself unless there's a problem. All I wanted to do was fish docks. There's a million docks on the lake and I get the guy who isn't fishing within sight of one. What are the chances? My two spots weighed in at 2.5lbs, leaving me in 88th place.

"Momma told me when I was young.... Be a simple kind of man, oh be something you love and understand" - Lynyrd Skynyrd

"I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some...." - Jason Mraz

"Give me one moment in time, when I'm more than I thought I could be. When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away and the answers are all up to me" - Whitney Houston

"Im'a be what I set out to be, without a doubt, undoubtably.
And all those who look down on me, I'm tearing down your balcony.
No if, ands, or buts, don't try to ask him why or how can he..." - Eminem
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