I will be done Wednesday and go under a different program. I will be paid for this hitch within 14 days of the day I submit the trip tickets. That will be done Wed. night.

This type of payment is hard on many down here that live from day to day or week to week. Some are having trouble getting adjusted to a new way of life. This is not the way things have been done down here and a lot of things are done on a cash basis. When contracted with BP you can not do other things and that is also causing other problems as many want to shrimp, oyster, crab, and fish when they get a break. If they can do this they may be able to cet a little cash to keep things going while waiting for the big check or automatic deposit.

Edited by CAPT. HOOP (05/16/10 06:01 PM)

Fishing is not a matter of life or death. It's more important than that.

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P.O.Box 449
Empire, La. 70050
H- 504-657-6330
C- 504-247-8459