I have a dumb question, but feel it's worth asking if it could save someone. I know our VHF radio's are illegal to use on land, but on larger bodies of inland water are they still illegal? CT River coves? That leads me to the second part of my question. Would it be worth carrying our waterproof hand held VHF's to ONLY be used in an emergency rather than letting them sit on our boats all winter? I know a cell phone would get better reception, but most don't do well once they're wet. I guess the second part of the question would be is there anyone even monitoring them far enough inland during the winter months to make it useful? Probably a stupid question, but I thought I would ask it anyway...

Edited by FarmerJay (12/22/10 08:28 PM)

It is only when you see a mosquito landing on your testicles, that you realize that there is always a way to solve problems without using violence ...

Team "Just one more drift"

Team I'm not messin with JuJu ever again!!!!!!!

Re: Chum Bucket......There's too much gross #*&! in those picture threads; I can't look at them. Doing so scars my soul.