I moved to CT from suburban NY in 2001 because we could buy 2x the house for 1/2 the money on 8x the property in a nicer neighborhood in a beach town with fantastic schools.

Taxes here are similar to NY so that was a wash.

We moved here for the reasonable housing, beautiful towns, excellent public schools, proximity to the water, etc.

The fishing options from here are superb. My wife/kid love the beach. I'm <2 hours to Boston and NYC, surrounded by major airports and well connected via major roadways.

So,is the south cheaper?
Sure. I even like it down there but would my kid be getting the same education/opportunities?

Also, the places I'd want to live in the south aren't the cheap ones and the other thing is that for some reason very few of the desirable places to live are on the ocean, I'm not sure why but I've done the mental excercise mand when it comes right down to it only Charleston and Savannah are appealing to me - saltwater life relatively close to a real city.

Hey - apparently CT is the 3rd best place to live in the world....

The grass is always greener; you can spend your life bitching, being negative and finding #*&! to dislike and complain about but you're not likely to make yourself any happier doing so.