We've taken the stance that you don't need to take the larger motor off. My advice to everyone has been to tilt the motor up and tape a plastic bag around the prop as an indicator that the motor is not being used. That lake and most if not all of the ones with a HP limit are fairly small and things can go sideways in a hurry if someone doesn't know what their doing or doesn't care. In a perfect world everyone would obey all the rules and I'd be driving a truck for a living but it's not a perfect world. Like you said, we can't be everywhere at once and there has to be some sort of regulation for public safety. Without a HP limit I can just about guarantee that the usual 20% would be operating above the speed limit and that presents a potential for really bad things to happen when you have a lake full of summer campers. Unfortunately it's the same for everything where a couple of people do something stupid or illegal and ruin it for everyone. The political reaction is to pass laws that will "prevent" if from happening in the future. Any other laws come to mind? While the intent may be good, it doesn't always work out that way and a lot of people, the law abiding ones, yourself included suffer as a result.