I went down to Bissell late this afternoon, from about 4:pm-7:30pm. There was a decent crowd of regulars working the bank, and they had a few shad on the stringer. Nice...

I wound up with three solid hook sets, landing two, with one escapee in between. The two landed were middlin' roes, about 3#+. A few bumps, misses, and two other shad were landed by others before I left. It looks like this warmer weather is heating up the action. I expect tomorrow will be even better ahead of the front that should move through Monday night into Tuesday. Hits and caught fish were scattered throughout the time I was there, I never saw two being played at the same time or even hooked one after another. Action was sporadic but steady enough by contrast to the last couple of weeks.

Terminal tackle: 3/4 oz drail over a short (for me) 2-1/2 foot flouro leader, willow was hammered silver with blue paint, flecked with sparkly stuff for good measure & black dot.

I will be out tomorrow after work for sure. Tight lines!

George Darrell ...

I support "PETA",
"People Eating Tasty Animals"