Originally Posted By: PDona
Buck, I always learn something when you join in the conversations! I've done a ton of trolling for trout around the 15-20 ft range this year so far and haven't caught one, yet. I'll definitely try the night time gig. Maybe we can get some boats together and end the war on this elusive creature?

We have had CTF Walkeye night events before...13 or so years ago....1 on Squantz and 1 on Gardner. I landed 1 small walleye during the Squantz event, and lost a big walleye at the Gardner event. I took my daughters to the Gardner night event when they were like 3 and 4 years old since I couldn't get a babysitter. smile1 Somewhere I have a pic of them konked out in their car seats in my truck when I got back in the truck to pull the boat out of the launch. smile1