Congrats on the new hunting pup...exciting times!

Another option is Quail with a remote controlled Quail launcher. Did that for the 1st time this past Monday. It was a hoot.

Place the loaded hidden Quail launcher in some brush. Put the training dog on a long leash and walk the general area of the Quail and launcher. When the dog finds and points the quail in the launcher choke up on the dog leash, get right against the dog and prep his/her pointer form...set how you want the tail positioned, how you want the legs and head positioned,etc....then hit the remote to launch the Quail, shoot the Quail and let the dog retrieve the Quail. Celebrate the dog's accomplishment, give the dog a treat and a lot of praise.....reload and reposition the Quail launcher and repeat.

Enjoy the new pup!

Video: Remote Controlled Quail Launcher