After work today, I stopped by the Bissell boat launch about 4:30 pm. There were a half dozen regulars plying the water but no shad to be seen. The water was down below the second cleat, and flowing well. But, there was plenty of "cotton" on the water, and it was sticking to everything: line, guides, reels, it was a mess. I didn't hang around, I went straight to Bart's.

On the rocks above the RR bridge, the water was as low as I've seen it this year. The bridge's footings were still under water, which was a good sign. The water was flowing pretty well, and while there was some cotton on the water, it wasn't as thick or sticky as that at Bissell; surface temp was 64-65º F. There were four anglers casting about, but only two were fishing for shad, and no shad were on the bank. Just before 6 pm a shad was C & R, up to then, I only had a couple of alewives, and a dinky little bronze back. A little after 6 pm, another regular had arrived, by 6:30 he had a couple of hard hits that didn't stick, and I C & R a middlin' buck shad after a brief, one sided tussle. Other than another alewife, that was all she wrote, and I left a little after 7 pm.

Terminal tackle: I started with a 5/8 oz drail, and 3' leader, but switched over to a 3/8 oz drail, and a 2' flouro leader. I threw several willows, but both shad caught tonight liked hammered sliver in green/chartreuse w/black dot over anything else.

Tight lines!

George Darrell ...

I support "PETA",
"People Eating Tasty Animals"