Originally Posted By: shadbody
I can see this happening on the Farmington no kill area. A fellow is fishing in the no kill area, DEEP officer comes up and ask for his trout stamp. The person reply I don't have one and say why would I need one, I am not keeping any fish. The fellow has a reg. fishing Lic. What would be the DEEP answer to that? They catch people with a load of under size stripe bass and can not get them prosecuted. If I am fishing in the Naugy and a DEEP ask me for my salmon stamp I would say I am not fishing for salmon but small mouth bass. What would be his answer to that?

DEEP MANAGEMENT & THE JUDICIARY SYSTEM has often chosen not to enforce the regs of that the fine men & women Field Officers have diligently worked the case, and caught the criminals red-handed and served to DEEP MANAGEMENT & THE JUDICIARY SYSTEM on a silver platter, and even wrapped up with a bow. IT IS A DISGRACE TO THE FIELD OFFICERS, AND TO OUR NATURAL RESOURCES!

CT DEEP MANAGEMENT have chosen not to enforce the most basic regs on the book (having a fishing license, not poaching, etc), but yet continue to add more regs and rules they won't backup their diligent Field Officers on who try to enforce and bring offenders to prosecution.

It's a whacky system, but it's not the only broken system in CT unfortunately.