To many people in this state think about themselves and not about the future of the sport. This includes not just some fisherman but also the DEP/DEEP fisheries staff. The DEP is always trying to throw extra charges out there to justify their own jobs when the state has to cut the budget. Dont let any of their fake statistics fool you, there is an agenda at the end and they have been doing this since proposing the CT saltwater license back around 05' (before federal license).

People just dont fish or start fishing when they have to do pay these fees to get out. I cant tell people how many times ive had to pay for licenses for people just to try to get them out and sadly enough, most people just wont go. Its mind boggling to think of what the long term effect of people not fishing will do to the economy. I already go fishing in the same places I did as a kid and its just a fraction of the number of people who are out compared to 30 years ago.

The over inflated size of the state staff is just too much. These are well paid state employees with huge amounts of benefits. Look them up on, i can provide names if need be, many make over 80-120k for doing nothing that directly helps fisherman or the sport. We cant fund jobs programs like DEP fisheries as fisherman, all they really need to do is stock trout and there is more than enough money for this. Its more important that people can afford licenses and get out and start to fish