You people are comparing Connecticut to the absolute worst tax regimes & cost of living centers in the country. 95% or more of this country is less expensive to live in than Connecticut. The full economic reality of what a mess Connecticut is in do it's an unfunded obligations hasn't even made its way into the tax system yet, but as all the debt junky Baby Boomers start retiring those pills are going to come do real quick and taxes are going to go up steeply to cover it.

Government budgeting only needs to cover the current operating periods expenses, it doesn't work like a corporation where you have to set aside funds to be invested so that they are available in the future to meet the pension and post employment commitments you've made today.

Every year the current value of those obligations gets bigger and bigger and yet because we have to keep raising taxes to cover it we are driving away our tax base and accelerating the burden on individual taxpayers to cover it it's going to get much much worse as time goes by.

Unfortunately everyone in politics seems to all be about diverting money to their own pet projects, and no one is talking about the elephant in the room in that in the next five to ten years we're going off the fiscal cliff.