Today was looking up on arrival about 4:30 pm. The water was down quite a bit from yesterday and the current was weaker, but the river was clear, and there was less junk floating around. And there were 2 shad in a bucket, while a third was added as I started casting. Within 15 minutes, I was hooked into a small shad. I got one look at it before the hook tore loose, and it was gone after a nice little fight. Another angler hooked up on his first cast but that one shook him off after a few head shakes and a short run. We were hoping for a run, but that was pretty much it for the afternoon. We had a few bumps, and short hits but the only other fish caught were a white perch, a yellow perch and an alewife. And none for me, leaving me skunked.

Terminal tackle: 1/2 oz drail over 4.5' of flouro leader and the van Gogh. Unfortunately, I lost the van Gogh,it seemed to get the most attention lately. A hammered silver in pink only got a cursory bump or a couple of taps from an alewife, but that didn't even stick. Nothing else I threw got so much as a look.

We're starting to see a little "cotton", so it won't be long before the works get gunked up. In the meantime, tight lines!

George Darrell ...

I support "PETA",
"People Eating Tasty Animals"