I took the family up to our family cabin in Piermont New Hampshire for a little week-long vacation. But with the nice cool weather up here I had to grab my archery license and tags for bear and deer.
I wasn't able to sneak out the first night but Tuesday evening while going to grab some food for the family, I saw deer running through some corn fields so I hurried back, got my hunting stuff on and ran out to a spot that I had picked out and set up last year for a climber spot.
I was in the stand for about 2 hours when I noticed a deer moving through about 55 yards down below the steep Ridge I was on.
I could make out a thick Beam for a second but he moved through into some brush. I could make out a big body at about 35 yards but couldn't see his head.
Gave out a few calls and heard him move around a bit, but it was so dark with the rainy weather and overcast condition's, I couldn't really make out his rack. He headed my way after a few more calls and was slightly quartering towards me at about 30 yards, but down a steep Ridge probably 55 feet below me. I placed my 20-yard pin right on the point of a shoulder figuring it would enter into the front of his lungs and come out the back of his ribs and I let it fly!
The buck must have spun a little at the shot, I hit them high through the shoulder blade and out the third rib from the end on the other side, just barely sticking out at the bottom of the ribs. Tracking him was very tough because it continued to rain and couldn't find any blood for 75+ yards but then found 6in of my arrow broken off with blood on it. Continued to follow where the ground had been scuffed up and found him piled up under a log.
Ended up being a much better Buck than I thought my best with the bow yet!

Weight in at check station in Orford NH at 211lb's dressed.

Holds mass out to the last point of almost 5" circumference
Antlers tape out @ 139 5/8"

CTF Profile

Euro Mounts and Skulls