Aliexpress Link to order the (A) Shallow Spool and (B) BFS Shallow Spool.

The factory ported spool is 14g with the stainless shielded bearing. The (A) spool is 16.7g with the bearing and the (B) spool is 17g with the bearing.

I've asked if they might consider releasing a variant of the (B) spool ported similarly to the standard spool included with the reel to get the weight down so it is comparable in weight to a Shimano Aberdeen (exclusive of the weight of the centrifugal brake and bearing), but have not heard back on that request. Previously they were responsive to other reviewers' feedback and changed the centrifugal brake to include a red indicator dot to better show the selected setting as well as adhering the numbering to the side-plate before the clear matte finish was applied, so I've got hope that this may be considered in the future.