I hunted a spot on private land this morning bordering State Forest.
I had a doe run out of State Land into the swamp I'm hunting at first light. I called to her and she passed by through 3 of my shooting lanes as close as 15 yards and went over the hill back into State property. At 9:45 she came back by at 45 yards passing through another shooting lane pausing to look back where she came from.
I then heard a couple grunts and a buck came trotting through and I bleated but he wouldn't stop so I had to shoot quick. At the shot he buckled and ran towards me and started to go into the thick of the swamp. I was able to throw another shell into the single shot and hit him again. Seen him standing for a while looking around and finally I found a small hole to take a neck shot and he disappeared.
I waited an hour and snuck up to where I seen him last and was surprised to jump him and was able to double lung him and he dropped in two bounds. Think I was a little over confident with the shotgun in hand and was hitting brush
Not a big one but it was an exciting morning none the less.

This season has been one of the toughest for finding mature bucks, been passing does and obvious 2 year olds. Think this buck is most likely a two year old and not the three year old I thought he was.

CTF Profile

Euro Mounts and Skulls