This is what I wrote to my reps sunday:
In regard to the bill stated in the subj line that is being introduced by Ms Gilchrest and Mr Haskell I am firmly against. I am a legal gun owner and as a CT pistol permit holder I feel they are punishing us by raising the sales and use taxes by 50% of ammunition. I thought maybe it was in regards to our current state deficit but after reading their bill thoroughly it appears they are attempting to punish all in a hope to curb gun violence. I do not see how this will curb gun violence as those who use a fire arm with total disregard to our laws obtain their weapons and ammunition regardless. As a constituent of yours I feel they are taking our 2nd amendment a step back and ask that you NOT support their bill. Thank you for your time.

T.J. Persons

Within an hour I got the following response from Paul only republican rep:
Thank you for your service and this note.
I agree with you.


As usual I haven't gotten anything from any of my democratic reps although I did request a reply. I also sent a slightly different version to the 2 authors of the proposed bill, Ms Gilchrest and Mr Haskell, and of course I haven't gotten any response from them at all as well. Below is the verbage I used for them. Feel free to copy and paste if you so desire.

Ms. Gilchrest/Mr. Haskell

In regard to the bill stated in the subj line that you are introducing I am firmly against. I am a legal gun owner and as a CT pistol permit holder I feel you are punishing us by raising the sales and use taxes by 50% of ammunition. I thought maybe it was in regards to our current state deficit but after reading your bill thoroughly it appears you are attempting to punish all in a hope to curb gun violence. I do not see how this will curb gun violence as those who use a fire arm with total disregard to our laws obtain their weapons and ammunition regardless. Although I am not a constituent of yours we are still CT residents and feel you are taking our 2nd amendment a step back and will be in touch with my representative to ask them to not support your bill. Thank you for your time.

T.J. Persons
USN Retired

"I think of this war as it really is, not as the people at home imagine, with a hoorah! and a roar. It is very serious, very grim…"
Manfred von Richthofen (aka The Red Baron)