I got a nice opening day bird yesterday after the fog burned off.
A big bird had literally tortured me for 2 hours with a hen 200 yards away.i called in her 3 girlfriends but she stayed and he wasn't leaving her.
At 10:30 I had a raucous gobble to my calling.
Soon 3 toms came in and this guy strutted into the decoys to 25 yds...so only 2 left.

I shot a bird on the last day last year, but i was fortunate to harvest one on the first day this year. You never know I suppose so just enjoy every hunt.
My pics are too large to post other than this one.
I made stir fried turkey and mixed veggies tonight that was simply delicious.

Edited by Tall 1 (04/25/19 08:37 PM)