It is a crazy potential "law". Everyone knows of the potential harmful effects of smoking. Aren't we supposed to have liberties and freedoms? Just another small bite to strip us all of our civil liberties. As a smoker myself, I am considerate of others and will light up away from others so they don't have to be effected by my bad habit. Yet, the bigger question in my mind for many years is, why doesn't the Feds just outlaw tobacco? Smoking kills many more people than other types of deaths, yet other death causing issues are regulated to the extreme, ie, your car, business, or guns. Is it not done due to shutting down an industry, or not done to help the health care industry? Both scenarios are bogus and stink of political over reach. Silliness at its finest. Let's mandate everyone on the beach wear sunscreen spf 30 or above? Or maybe ban being on the beach altogether when the heat index hits 100f, or the possibility of thunderstorms exsist.