Very offensive? Is there no place safe from this overused phrase? Come on steve and Jay, when did you two need to be told to grow a pair? It's a joke prefacing my real answer- lighten up. I find it offensive you burnt the tuna Jay. Waste of good meat. Highly offended.

My second and third points answer your questions- it's super low aside from some pools. You can drop a boat in, but you won't get too far up river. Shoals out, rocks, then Rapids. Flow height changes based on dam control and rain. Don't believe me? Google earth it. Still don't believe me? Drive 2 hours, drop the boat in, and find out the hard way up about a third of a mile. Dero gave you the bypass past the bridge but hell, I'll spill the secret- they fixed the bridge so your good either way you travel. The ramp is gravel and silty at the waterline, dont skeg out the Suzuki or stuff the transom of the ranger in the silt in there- like I said 12 footer works great, canoe, kayak. I own 2, borrow it ANYTIME, motor and battery included. You know the deal... just ask. Paul Dona took it to NH itll handle the rocks and seal areas, and you can beach it and wade fish.

And yes FWIW Steve, you are one of a few who did know. Which is why if anyone should be offended, it's me. Take a joke gents, or stuff the thumbs up icons up your telltales.

Now that you have everything including the boat offer, yeah, shut up about MY river that everyone else knows about and has access to. smile1

Edited by O-BASS (06/27/19 04:13 PM)