Falls Village and Bulls Bridge dams are run of river operations, much to the chagrin of the whitewater rafting community which petitioned otherwise. They have minimal ponding capacity anyway, but under the run-of-river requirements the current in the stretch above the dam is the same as the current below the dam on any normal day.

There are gates in the dam that can be used for a short period of time to lower the pool height for emergencies and maintenance, but they're not permitted to pond water behind the dams to increase flow.

This is all taken from their license agreement with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which can be found here:


The information I'm referencing above is from pages 52 and 53 of that document.

As far as running the river with an outboard...be careful. There aren't navigation marker buoys and there are numerous submerged rocks that will tear up not only your outboard but the bottom of your boat too.