Been out on Lilly in the dark twice now in the last few weeks, each night leaving around 9pm and getting back to the trailer around 1am. Power station stopped running water somewhere between 7pm and 8pm with similar river flows each night (~850cfs natural flow).

Bites didn't turn on until after 11:30 either night. Last Saturday (6-29) the lake was dead quiet up until that point, afterwards it was like we'd dropped the boat in a different lake entirely. All the bass came in the last hour each night, 1/2 dozen or so each night, almost all on dark chatter baits other than one on a texas rigged creature bait. We saw a number of good sized white cats just under the surface atop the milfoil beds late, but they don't seem to have an appetite for chatterbaits.

4.18lb LMB best one from 6-21's venture out 4 nights before the last qtr moon:


3.08lb SMB from 6-29 3 nights before the new moon:


I'll get the hang of taking pictures sooner or later...