i did a little math the other day and the savings by moving were significant especially amortized over 10 to 20 years. we are getting screwed in CT. no doubt about it- there is NO effort by Hartford to cut expenses. None.
I have to laugh that the politicians in Hartford city are spouting how well they are improving Hartford-
well if I was handed 500 million, I could sure improve things too.
the level of taxation from the state and local is just not sustainable over long term. the number of houses for sale around my neck of the woods is incredible. 2 or 3 houses on every street for sale.people ARE leaving.

the wife and I debate the moving topic all the time. We stay mainly due to family,familiarity,medical and dental professionals etc.

We ski in the winter and I ice fish. We love the proximity of having the beach and mountains so close -giving lots of options. ct does have a nice climate w/o the threat of hurricanes or other disasters. we have been around the US and it is hard to beat New England weather- even the winters which in CT. are not that bad. Snow country is a plus as 2 hour drive puts you in lots of it.

mainly, we are just plain lazy. it is easier to bitch and moan than to act. BUT We are getting screwed and the move topic continues to be debated. we are starting to have the house prepared for moving.

I am hopeful that some day, the people of this state will wake up and vote them all out. i would not take that bet.

someone asked about rhode- the mill rates are much lower than ct. everything else is expensive bit property taxes are lower in some of the towns we looked at. Same with the cape and even in ct- mill rates along the shore are better than inland with exception of northwestern litchfield county. houses are more expensive though.