Me and the wench,bored...90 fricking degrees.decide to go to a local Menonite comunity for a bit of shopping,well known for fine quality furniture,leather goods( saddles,brides,hand woven horse blankets,forge their own horseshoes ...anything you can make out of leather) ...found this knife and sheath made by a fine old gentleman named Noah.incredible price,not so fancy you dont want to use it but nice enough and loaded with character you want to frame it.!!!let me know what you think.
...also just down the street...a country store all loaded up with sorghum and maple syrup.baked goods like you have never eaten in your life.all kinds of spices local corn meal sausages smoked cheddar...everything you dont want to see when you havent eaten....heaven and hell..awsome folks...their like "amish lite"...greatest breakfast sammiches ever,Muddy Pond.

Edited by KWK (10/02/19 05:43 PM)