Had a great day filming our first episode of the new Bud n Mary’s YouTube show! Got out with my dad, Brandon, and Clay having some fun in the Backcountry and gulf. Winds weren’t too heavy but not a great direction being Southwest so things were a little muddy in several areas early on the falling tide. We ran far and got to clean water and made a good morning, picking away at some snook and a few reds, trout, and Jack’s. Got into one spot when the tide turned where we caught ’em good but nothing super big. On the way home though we tried an area and lucked out, got into a crazy redfish bite with all fish a good 5 lbs or more. A handful in the 10 to 18 lb range too just awesome, plus a couple good snook as well.

Capt. Rick Stanczyk

P.S. Also please check out our new YouTube channel featuring this day, and please subscribe if you like what you see as we'll be dropping new videos each week!


Edited by Rick_Stanczyk (10/22/19 05:32 AM)

Florida Keys Fishing Charter
Islamorada Fishing Report
Bud n' Mary's Fishing Marina
since 1944!