The reply with the article concerning the draw down was helpful, especially the part about 2 to 3 inches a day. The Algae control part may or may not be valid. I'm not a scientist, so I can't comment one way or the other. I know a deep draw down will have an effect on the submergent grasses, but I don't know about algae. In any case that was irrelevant to my query, anyway.

I was hoping that maybe someone who lives near the lake and fishes it often, could give some insight about whether or not the lake will be launchable with a 20 foot bass boat on October 4th. If the lake is truly down 2 feet already because of the drought, it could be down almost three feet at end of day on the 4th.

I need to know before next week so I can get a permit for another lake if Highland will be unlaunchable.
