Fished out of Swanton last week it wasn't one of our better trips. Weather conditions were all over the place with rain wind hot cold but we made the most of it. Only one day was wiped out with terrible wind so we stayed at the cabin. Wind was from the south all but one day. Water temp was high 60's first day and dropped throughout the week to low 60's.
Most fishing was done in the bay the day of WNW wind we fished St Albains.
This year was mostly large mouth with a few smallmouth mixed in daily. Smoke spider grubs on a 1/4 oz jig head was the bait for the first few days then the shiner swimbait on a 1/4 oz jig head took over the hot bite for a few more days.
Finally the Berkley general was top bait in green pumpkin to finish out the week.
I didn't tally up the daily count yet but it was about 125 total bass. Largest smallmouth was 20 in large mouth 21 in. Of course some pike interrupted us on occasion largest being over 30 in. plenty of red eye yellow perch and even one white perch.
On Friday after returning from fishing in bad wind we sat out on the porch with a drink to relax. I keep a rod on the porch all week it's a 8 ft fly rod rigged with a spinning reel. 10 lb braid with 8 lb leader and bobber. I call this rod my bob rod with a 1/32 oz jig head a 1-1/2" curl tail grub tied on. This is my winter / cold water go to rod. So I made a cast off the deck the wind was at our backs and allowed bait to stay put. No more than a minute goes by and the bobber goes down I set the hook and the rod bent over heavy big fish on. The drag sings and the monster took off finally after more than half my line was gone I began to add a little extra pressure on him this didn't help matters and shortly after the line broke at the jig. Clean brake so the knot was good I guess that's all I could have done was starting to think all my line was going to be lost.
This was likely my last trip after over 25 years.
Many good memories of fishing there.