Its not the cutting down on the number of tournaments for me its the way you are saying it. I can just imagine the way the people that go to the CLA meetings feel about the commoners that are breathing their air in around the lake. I don't believe the DEP is going to bow to the CLA and give those people most of the permits.All the tournies and fisherman that go to the lake also contribute to the economy of the towns that surround the lake.Alot of the fisherman on this site don't seem to be into the tournament scene ,so thats why you got some of the responses you did.By limiting the tournaments on the lake is'nt going to cut down on the number of fisherman on the lake.Besides ,what will stop all the clubs from having a no weighin torunament like you suggested. The pressure is still on the fish and they are still being caught, No matter how you slice it the lake will still be overcrowded.

Have I ever told you I hate the "CLA" !!