Thanks for the post Buck - if you go to one of the other pages on that site this is a list of what they sell there - note the Canadian Lynx. Take a look at some of the "jungle cats" offered on this link: Do you think seeing one of them in the wild would make you think you may have seen a mountain lion - particularly from a distance?

If you Google caracals for sale, or exotic pets, you would be amazed at the number of species available. Any of these that are considered dangerous animals are illegal in Connecticut.

In other states, Florida I believe is one of them, you can own just about any type of animal you want. There are people down there who own mountain lions and black panthers. Do they sell them to people in Connecticut even though it's illegal to possess them here?

We had a guy in West Haven last year who got bit by his pet King Cobra while he was giving it a bath....along with West Haven PD, we took an alligator, copperhead and African Rhinoceros Viper (supposed to have the 2nd largest set of fangs of all poisonous snakes) out of his house too. They were all illegal to possess in CT, but he had them.