I have been asking myself this since I began hearing all of the issues residents of CT have with the elected leaders, DEP, taxes, etc.

People here have made it prefectly clear that they do not trust ANY official (even though you elected them). The taxes are through the roof, add that to the cost of living being what it is and it is darn near financially crippling. I know PLENTY of people have moved away and said they cant believe the difference in the $$ living outside the state, including members bluefox and lancraftbass. I know several others that are actively looking to move out of the state due to said issues.

It is clearly eveident that no matter what the DEP says that not one word of it means anything to most people. I haven't been here long enough to warrant these feelings for myself. I know a large number of the DEP employees including many of the higher-ups and have nothing but the utmost respect for them. Most people feel the same, every DEP/CO they know they become friends with.

So why is there such a disconnect??? People post on a thread about how corrupt the dep is but at the same time are good friends with DEP employees.

So my question to you: If you hate the taxes, politicians, dep, cost of living, gas prices, etc...why are you still here???? I havent been here long enough to be fully introduced to everything that occurs...so please inform me \:\)

Team Daiwaimano
Team too many broken rods to count
Team bluefish lawn ornament
Team "oh shiit we are out of gas"

Cell: 607 206 0324