I lived in CT. all my life until now. After I retired, I thought, why not try someplace else? So here I am in Maine. Hunted and vacationed here and loved it, but taxes are as bad as CT, and maybe worse. Other than food, everything else you buy is taxed, including clothes, which I believe in CT not taxed under $100.

Rents are cheaper though, and most all include heat and hot water, and sometimes electric. You can find nice homes for $100,000, to $150,000, and sometimes less. However, anything on the water, is going up and up. Like CT, pretty soon, none but the wealthy will be able to own waterfront property.

People in Ct that bought waterfront property years ago, are being taxed out of existence, just because that $100,000 piece of property is now selling for $750,000 to 1 million. Oh, I realize that's a nice appreciation, but these folks are still forced to leave because they can't afford $20,000 a year in taxes. It's pretty much the same up here, especially ocean front homes.

I realize inland states for the most part are much cheaper, but I personally couldn't stand to be too far away from the ocean. And Florida kills me in the summer. Maybe Oregon sometime in the future. It's nice to have options.