A dear friend recently pulled up stakes and moved totally to South Carolina. Why? Much cheeper than in CT.
I have lived here all my 67 yrs. If I was single, I would be out of here.
Family is the true reason we remain in this very expensive place..
I love Connecticut and am proud this is my home where I have raised my family, earned my living, etc., etc/., etc.
However, I do not see prices going down and after only a few years of retirement am concerned I may be forced back to doing my business.
Unfortunately, this may happen, but not if I can help it.
It can't be. I was born to fish.
Tightlines all.
Good question.

"We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give."
'Winston Churchill'

Dee's Bait & Tackle,
93 Clay St.,New Haven