"Although I don't get out on the water very much I check the site several times every day getting my fishing "fix" that way. There is more information available on this site than the average person could ever hope to use and the best part is that it is local stuff by local people. Over time you even begin to feel that you know many of the members even though I may never meet them in person. Just as I tend to look forward to regular columns by writers in publications such as Outdoor Life I share the same anticipation when I see that folks like Michael of SW Ct, or Capt. Alewife, or Capt. Blaine Anderson, to name only a few, have submitted a new post. Where else can I find such passion for the sport and expertise that covers everything from a modest fisherman to a professional with a local viewpoint?

The cost of joining is a small price to pay for what I get in return. I thank not only you but all of the CTF members for making this site what it is. Keep up the great work."

-- Doug B.