We have made repeated attempts to express our concerns to the DEP and numerous calls to the TIP line...There are two Massachusetts boats,one brown camo, and one trihull with a 4 stroke Honda... I have the. reg numbers for the latter and the camo boat has missing numbers... They park their f350 at the port 5 launch in black rock harbor... They have an elaborate commercial operation going... the boats are loaded with coolers and totes... They are circling the bunker, cast netting them til they cover the bottom of the boat and then they shovel the fish and ice into the coolers:.. we estimate they are taking in excess of 1500-2000 bunker per boat per. day.... they have been there every day this week... please help before our entire bunker stock is raped by poaching out of state dirtbags...

They don't call me "hardcore" for nothing!