Originally Posted By: EnCon Police [/quote

I'm done.

Captain, we appreciate your feedback, not only on this topic, but always. Everyone is frustrated and its seems to rubbed off on you too. Thanks for all your help and your service to the State.

Everyone else: I keep my boat in Black Rock hbr as well and to see what went from a huge supply of bait one weekend to nothing the next is depressing. I've sent an email to my CT State Rep. Tony Hwang asking for a change implementing a creel limit on Menhaden. This isn't just a Black Rock problem, so hopefully everyone will reach out.

Here's the link to find your Rep. : http://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/CGAFindLeg.asp

I doubt it will happen overnight, but at least we can try to push it along.

Until the guys from Mass. slip up and a break a law doesn't seem like there's much more we can do.

"You've got fins to the left, fins to the right and you're the only bait in town..." Jimmy Buffett