Originally Posted By: jon h.
This is getting ridiculous. 45 days in

If tomorrow fails - we could be looking at another 90. Can anyone imagine that ?

I agree - why we don't have the Navy assets in place is a mystery to me.

I think the problem is that in terms of expertice, the assets of BP, TransOcean, Mobil, etc are probably better in terms of stopping the leak. They should deploy the Navy & National Gaurd to try to protect the coastlines as much as possible.

The secretary of Energy was on televison last night and he did not seem optimistic that the "top kill" would work and there are risks that the attempt could backfire and make the leak larger. Thad Allen (USCG) the PIC for the government was equally pesimistic about what other alternatives would / could be tried if the Feds were to take charge of trying to stop the leak.

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