Originally Posted By: Tmack9200
My wife is a pedatric nurse at Shriners Hospital, they recieve children from all of the world with disabilities, some as severe as being born with no arms and no legs or getting them blown off by mines, to minor as in leg length discrempensy...

50 years ago I was in the Shriners Hospital in Springfied for an operation. There was another kid in there that even at my young age made me feel lucky. He had no arms, just hands sticking out of his shoulders. He wasn't there for that though, he was there for the doctors to try and make his legs work so he could walk. The memory of him always made me feel lucky and never complain about my problems.

A person with disabilities can either bitch and complain about it making those around them miserable, or he (or she) can find ways to do the things they want to do. Everything a handicapped person does is much marder than an able bodied person so please don't park in their handicapped spots and don't get annoyed if it takes them "to long" to launch their boat. And if they invite you on their boat and you except, don't cancel out at the last moment, it kills their day too. I rarely ask people now because of the "last minute backouts".

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson