Originally posted by Mitch P.:
Classified Guidelines: Your Feedback

It might be time for some more specific guidelines for the classified section.

There's been an increase in "arguing" over classifieds that I'd like to eliminate. I think it's rather stupid to be perfectly honest.

I have some personal thoughts on how I think it should be, but figured I'd get everyone's feedback, as well.

Right now, the main guideline is that you have to come to the site to mainly talk fishing and share info. If you've proven that, then you’re given free reign to use the classifieds responsibly. I'm keeping that as a general overall guideline.

It's pretty clear when a spammer comes on here only trying to sell something. You guys hammer him pretty good. I don't have a problem with that. In fact, I want that. It's good that we get rid of any morons immediately before they become a fixture here. We know what happens then.

However, when someone new joins the site and his first post is a classified, sometimes you guys hammer him, too. Personally, I don't think a guy should be hammered right off the bat, especially during the off-season when some aren’t out fishing.

I'm of the belief that money talks and b.s. walks. Meaning, who has time to be holding things for people and turning potential buyers away because someone sent you a PM or email?

I'm kind of thinking out loud here ...

I've only bought one thing in my life from eBay, and it was for my wife.

I once gave away two free boats on the site. One guy is an active member of the site. However, the other guy never posts. I was a little upset that it didn't go to someone who actually contributed to the site.

Before I gave one of the boats away, I had someone interested in buying it. We went back and forth on some emails. He was even a no-show one day he was supposed to come. I was pissed, but I since dropped it.

Anyway, my point is that when I buy something online, I want to pay for it and know that I’m going to get it without having to jump through hoops. I'm sure most of you guys who are the ones selling things feel the same way. You want to sell something quickly and with the least hassle.

I think we can keep it pretty simple...

What do you guys think about these additional guidelines?

1. The seller sets his rules. For example, the seller may say the first person to show up with the money, gets the goods. Or, he may choose to allow first replies on the thread or first received PMs as way to determine who has first dibs. Or, he may say highest bidder takes it. Regardless of how he decides, he should state it clearly up front. If you want to go by his rules, do so. If not, it's your choice. If he wants to continue to successfully sell things here, he should use a fair and smart approach.

2. If you're not interested in an item, don't post on the thread, unless you have reason to believe the seller is non-reputable.

3. When someone has clearly screwed one of us over, or proven to be non-reputable, he's off the site.


Note: I have some plans for a more advanced type of classified section, but I've put those plans on hold until next year. Until then, just wanted to get some feedback to what you guys want. Thanks.
