Well put. However this has nothing to do with the state or the DEP its all about a company who owns the lake and whats boaters to fund there patrol( which by the way can't make arrests all they can do is issue speeding tickets)and make extra money doing it.You wont see state own lakes doing this. But this can lead to at sometime to limit the number of these stickers. The other towns are responceable for the lake patrol also and they dont even have patrols out there. Why only Danbury asking for this? I think again only my .2 cents but if you think the money will go to inproving the lake or fish I think your wrong. As Yamar said they are not interested in us fisherman and never have. Go to one of the CLA meeting and you'll see what I'm talking about. There are 2 meeting on this if you really want to be haerd and find out faxes that you need to go and be heard. The bill does call for this to start in September 2008 and if it passes I can see no reason why it won't. I have posted info. on the meeting in a thread so look at the days and places and stand up.

"A man has to do what he believes: I believe I'll go fishing"