its a total joke at this point.

the responsible pay, and get nothing in return. the irresponsible keep doing what they always do (drag, poach, polute) and nothing happens.

its time to take a stand, and do what is needed to prove the point...take that however you want.

our officers arent the bad guys. they're the ones getting screwed as well. our agencies who fight for and protect our resources recieve nothing from the money collected from fees.

this combined with the overregulated and largely unneeded saltwater situation, the inflated freshwater situation, and the reckloose commercial dragger regulations?!?!?

show the state you mean business...fight them in court if need be until they give the dep the money directly, and they give us the rights we deserve at a price that covers the true costs of our investment; not inflated by the poor decisions on capitol hill.

no more parking lots and soccer fields with fishing money!!