just a couple random thoughts

at time of abandon ship 1st thing is identify person in charge.a muster list is what it is called, the list of duties and positions in case of emergency. also do not drink or eat anything for the first 24 hours....in the first 24 hours your body will not absorb it, water etc will just get passed throught the body with little or no absorbtion. if abandoning ship should be wearing alot of clothes, clothes will help preserve body heat in and out of the water. .keep the life raft tied to the boat, on approved life rafts there is a rope, and i think it 100' not sure on that, unless it's sinking.make sure in the life raft is a knife(actually on approved life rafts there is an emergency distress bag!!!and in a pocket near the entrance is a knife stored)any floating debris should be gathered (after the survivors) and tied together....bigger brighter louder the better chances are of being spotted. the epirb should be tied to boat and floated, unless the seas or weather isnt practical for that, the signal will bounce off the water and travel further.thats all for now, just random thoughts nothing official, just felt like putting in a few cents.