
Fishing deep for trout is bad ,fishing shallow for trout is bad

Ice fishing for trout is bad.

Summer Fishing for trout is bad

Fishing in the fall for trout is bad.

Season is closed in the early spring as it stands now.

Sooooooooooo..........when is a good time to fish for trout and what is the proper depth to catch trout from so they can released un harmed ???? \:o

Trout are a put and take fishery !!! It's the DEP's job to put them in and our job as anglers to take them :rolleyes:

It also seems the Catch and release guys are taken the worst beating on this with all the talk of after the release mortality.

Screwed if I do ,screwed if I dont,to bad no one will know how many trout I catch this year because I am done posting fishing reports here on ctf.

I suppose I am doing something wrong as well by heading up the ctf trout club ? (((Which I see very few of you participating in so I will reach in my own pocket and make up the differance to make it happen.What do you do to give something back to fishing in CT besides buy a liscense ??? \:o :rolleyes: