I think the carp are in spawning mode right now. In Candlewood you see them in the weed beds along shore or where ever there is brush in the water when they are spawning.
So for the river I would think the carp are looking for back-waters or eddies where there are weed beds or brushy shorelines so they can spawn. If they are there you will see them. If you can find that kind of area regardless of the bottom I would anchor up and chum with whole kernal corn from a can so it is soft. Throw out handfuls of corn and broadcast it over your fishing area. For bait, use the corn, a piece of worm or one of the carp balls you can research and make yourself.
The catfish could be following the carp so they can get a meal of eggs. For them any kind of cut bait like a piece of bluegill, shiner, sucker, etc. They will hit the worm too. I would have one pole out for them, there are some nice channel catfish in the river.
So those are some ideas. Sounds like an interesting trip.