Long story i,ll try to shorten it.wife came down with it 1st screaming headache.me fine ...24 hrs later i got it.hers ...bad cold symptoms .me got out of bed heavy feeling in chest hit the wall passed out on the floor not breathing.lynne called 911 ambulance emergency room all a blur.put me on bipap forced oxygen not intubation.started me on a remdesvir drip then alternating btwn antibiotics for covid based pneumonia.in hospital for 4.5 days.steroids made me nuts.aparently now i have some affib...liver enzymes and insulin got all out of wack....maybe still pcp will run tests in a week or so.still infectious so i told them unless you see something in the hospital papers wait i dont need to be spewing God knows what around.only thing i can say is yes for most they shake it wifes ok cough nose that crap.if you even think you are breathing issues have a pulse oxi meter handy any 02level below 90 is worrisome.the pnuemonia was what almost killed me.not looking for get wellsetc just passing on a warning ...dont screw around if you cant breathe thats what is the worst....i blame myself. Show at the bridgestone on fri 26.we were foolish.2nd round of novavax monday.the drs say the hybrid imunity is superior to just the jab or infection alone...not that i,m going anywhere soon.