When I just need to fish , this small farm pond helps to scratch the itch. The pond holds a decent population of 8”-12” fish that keep me amused plus it has good bluegills and frogs for forage.
A few months ago I hooked and lost a big fish on a whopper plopper on a sick head shake. Discouraged but also encouraged, I have been back for more but no sign of Miss Bertha.

Today I stopped by before the looming storm, and caught 4 of the usual “ barely keepers”.
I needed to get home so I casted as I worked my way back to the truck.

I was almost back when my little 2.8 swimbait got crushed.
The fish came up immediately and I knew it was her, or her sister!
She choked the bait and I landed her.

A few quick pics and she swam away strong until next time.