Thankyou to all you guys,we love it here it really was a no brainer move.just this past september i caught pneumonia,no covid.but aparently i was clinically dead for 2 + minutes.sorry no cool near death story ,i was in a coma for 3.5 poor wife,she got the same infection but was able to fight it off with some antibiotics and a hospital for her.all i remember is waking up and half a dozen really cute nurses were standing by my bed ,looking really happy.aparently they were all involved in me not kicking the bucket.long story ..i am extremely thankful to be able to carry on .got a oxygen machine but i dont really need it much anymore.staying busy as best i can....dodged another bullet,personally i think God sent me anoying and opininionated...send that boy back and tell him to cut the #*&!.😛