An update on Cornfield Point shoreline access...
We have won the battle, but not sure we have won the war. It seems that several allies, and I, have ruffled feathers with some prominent people in town. Allow me to explain.
I have contacted everyone from our Governor, right down to state Representatives and local selectmen and woman, and had a face to face with the beach association president (his wife is the selectwoman) when being thrown out. The amount of blowback that each had received has produced removal of the boulders that were closing off this beach access. Again, the war is probably not over.
There will be heightened vigilance at this area. The one hour parking law will be strictly enforced. If you so much as spit out the tag end of a leader that you were tying, it will be construed as litter.
It will be incumbent upon anyone using this area to police it as if it was your front yard.
To that point, there are many access points in our state that are abused. Not by sportsmen, but by those who go and fish, and have zero respect for the area. There is litter, drug use, and other happenings that we would not want to see in our neighborhoods. I ask each of you to be the eyes and ears of our resources. Try not to ask people to police themselves, as that can lead to confrontation. I rather ask that if you see littering, drug use, or the like, call 911. That is what they are there for.
Please do not take this matter lightly, as legislation allows beach associations to restrict access, unless it is a qualified DEEP shoreline access. I ask for your help in preventing litter and abuse at these areas, and your help in preventing any domino effect that this issue may create.

Rich the Fish Man.

Behold the fisherman. Mighty are his preparations. He arises early and full of hope. He fishes all day and returns late in the evening, smelling afoul, and the truth is not in him.